introduction journal classrooms science crew partners
Lost City Expedition: Mission

Eric Olson

Eric Olson has been an Oceanographer at the University of Washington for almost 17 years. He works with Dr. Marv Lilley on numerous chemical and biological oceanographic projects. This group’s focus of the last 12 years has been the study of dissolved gases in hydrothermal vents. They have collected samples for gas analysis from high temperature hydrothermal vent systems worldwide. They have used their specialized "gastight" titanium samplers on Alvin (sub), Jason, ROPOS and Tiburon (ROVs) to collect samples from the North and South Pacific, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Indian Ocean. On this cruise they will collect samples from the Lost City low temperature site, which they anticipate to be very different in chemistry.

Additionally, they will deploy a pressure sensor (to record tidal heights in the area) and a resistivity sensor (to study temperature/chemical fluctuations in a vent) for the duration of the field program. Their group (Eric, Ben Larson and Giora Proskurowski) also hopes to accomplish some measurements of microbial oxidation (of reduced gases) and to participate in "prospecting/exploration" for additional sites of similar venting. They have come equipped with some extra "toys" to add to the normal package used in hunting vents from the surface.